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Date   : Tue, 29 May 2007 17:24:16 +0100
From   : dominic@... (Dominic Beesley)
Subject: PC/Beeb serial cable woe

Hi Kris,

I too struggled with this problem and spent ages getting one to work
nicely. Various people seem to have had flame wars over how this "should"
be done in the past - as usual the problem seems to lie in the fact that
PCs don't always work as they "should"!

So when I did I wrote up my experiences see:

It is the last article at the bottom of the page "Connecting a BBC to a
Linux PC" - Although it discusses Linux the cable works ok with a PC
running Windows too



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kris Adcock" <beeb@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 4:37 PM
Subject: [BBC-Micro] PC/Beeb serial cable woe

> Afternoon all!
> I'm trying to make a serial cable to go 'twixt Beeb and PC. I'm using the
> serial-cable textfile as found in http://bbc.nvg.org/util/xfer_30.zip, but
> I'm having little joy. Which annoys me, because I built one a year or two
> ago, and had no trouble at all getting it to work. Then someone borrowed 
> it.
> Bah.
> The first thing that confuses me is that the textfile's description of the
> five-pin DIN plug (the ASCII-art of it) seems to have pins 4 and 5 swapped
> around compared to the numbers inscribed on the plugs I've bought. Can 
> anyone
> confirm this?
> The other thing that confuses me is that the textfile doesn't have the 0v
> pins on the two plugs wired together - there just seems to be four wires 
> that
> go from one plug to the other. Is this right?
> If anyone has a serial cable easily to hand that you know works, if it is
> convenient could you possibly take it apart and let me know what wiring
> you're using?
> As far as usage goes, I'm setting the Beeb to transmit and receive at 9600
> baud, and then set the input to serial port, like this:
> *FX 7,7
> *FX 8,7
> *FX 2,1
> .. which I hope should mean that if I had a working cable, then typing
> anything on my PC (I'm using Hyperterminal) should transmit the keys to 
> the
> Beeb and make them appear on screen?
> Lastly (honest) what is the correct flow control setting in Hyperterminal?
> Cheers, and many thanks in advance,
> Kris
> ("frustrated" of Derby)
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