Date : Sun, 13 May 2007 16:02:30 +0100
From : a.weston2@... (
Subject: Reduced size modes
I've just scanned through a great looking article by Christopher Dewhurst
in the latest EUG magazine about reducing screen memory consumption. Unfortunately
i'm not in a position to experiment with BBC programming at the moment :(
but would this program in theory allow you to reduce memory for Mode 5 or
say Mode 4?
For text games you want to free up as much memory as possible, particularly
if you want to try graphics but also if you want it to work on the Electron
you can't use Mode7 (at least for most people presumably) so another decent
text mode with reduced size would be ideal. ISTR that start up for the Electron
mode 4.
Some adventures of course used split screen half sized text and graphics
modes but that is far more complicated AIUI. Definitely would like to try
Christopher's program as soon as I can get a BBC emulator working.
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