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Date   : Wed, 02 May 2007 18:53:24 -0500
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: Arthur on 5.25" media...

Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
>>> seem to recall that the M4 and A680 have Brazil firmware, but is that true
>> I don't know what Brazil is, so I can't answer that except to say that
>> the string "Brazil" doesn't appear in the ROM, which is only 16Kbytes,
>> so presumably not.  Remember the A680 post-dates the A500 and the AES by
>> about 4 years.

I didn't realise they were so far apart! Wow.

> Brazil and Springboard is an ARM development/evaluation system
> plugged into a PC. The system code for it is at
> http://mdfs.net/Software/Tube/ARM/Spring.zip
> I think Brazil is the hardware and Springboard is the software.

Brazil was the software; Acorn called it an OS (at least internally) but in 
reality I seem to recall it's little more than a monitor program and 
boot-loader. 64KB of ROM code on both the Springboard and M4 - however I just 
checked and the A680 ROM dump is 512KB, suggesting it used something totally 

If the AES ROM is only 16KB though it suggests that it used something else 

> I've not seen a picture of it, but it /could/ be a standard ARM
> EvalKit or A500 plugged into a PC interface.

I've got two flavours of Springboard [1] here. Both are full-length ISA cards; 
the later one uses 30-pin SIMMs and has an expansion connector on it, whilst 
the earlier one doesn't have the expansion socket and uses individual DRAM chips.

The only ROM set I have is labeled as v1.30 - I'm not sure whether it's 
generic enough to work with both boards or not. I've got the same software 
release here as you.

[1] at least I think they're both technically "Springboards". One is p/n 
0260,000 and labeled "PC ARM co-processor", and the other's p/n 0260,005 and 
labeled "PC ARM Application card".



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