Date : Wed, 18 Apr 2007 20:41:23
From : Pete Turnbull <pete@...>
Subject: Re: Master series welcome (5.25") disks
Caught again, I sent the original to Francis instead of the list :-(
On 18/04/2007 15:24, Francis Devereux wrote:
> There was definitely more than one version of the M128 welcome disc.
> The "real" physical welcome disc that I had has older versions of
> some programs on it than the disc image that I downloaded recently,
> for example my disc has CopyFiles 2.41 and the disc image I
> downloaded has 2.54.
It did get updated from time to time. All the ones I've ever seen had
blue ink on the lables, though, regardless of vibntage. I wonder if
Jules' version is a copy?
> I would be interested in the disc images if you do. I think that the
> disc came as 40 track ADFS but had a utility on it that allowed you
> to convert it to 80 track, and I'd like to see what it looks like in
> it's original 40-track form.
It was actually dual-format -- it had some tracks recorded at 48 tracks
per inch and some at 96 tpi. Once you used it, you were prompted to
have it convert itself so all the tracks were the correct density for
your system. I remember having great fun copying it, for that reason!
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
bbc-micro mailing list