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Date   : Tue, 17 Apr 2007 20:49:59
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Z80 coprocessor cursor keys

>Message-ID: <05b801c77f69$7ac7da40$6402a8c0@...>

"Dominic Beesley" <dominic@...> wrote:
> - Is there a CP/M friendly way to turn the cursor keys to generate
> characters or do I need to call osbyte (4)?

If at the CP/M prompt, and you have STAR.COM available:

STAR FX 4,1    to make the cursor keys f11 to f15
STAR FX 4,2    to make the cursor keys return CHR$139-CHR$143

Or, from BBC BASIC, the usual *FX4,1 *FX4,2 etc. At
http://mdfs.net/Software/BBCBasic/Z80Basic is a ROM-able version
of BBC BASIC Z80 that uses the normal BBC file IO instead of CP/M
file IO.

What you really need is the JGH-CCP, based on the SJ-CCP, which
lets you issue *commands from the d> prompt, as well as loads of
other nifty extras. See http://mdfs.net/Software/CPM/JGH

You need JGHCCP.SYS and SETCCP.COM. SETCCP copies the specified
file to the system tracks as the current CCP. So, once you've got
JGHCCP.SYS and SETCCP.COM onto an Acorn CPM disk, do:


and then Ctrl-C to reboot.

> - Is there any way of making host machine emulate a particular terminal
> type (say a kaypro or similar) to make running certain software easier?

The normal method is to tell the /application/ what the host uses
to interact with the screen, not the other way round.

> - Was there ever a newer version of CP/M ported to the beeb/master? (I'd
> love hard disc support and bigger floppies)

Challenger introduced 640K double density disks. The Acorn Z80
BIOS 2.00 allows access to a hard drive. I've got a copy of that
and I look at it from time to time to try and get working. It's
got a few needless assumptions built into it that stop it working
properly. At http://mdfs.net/Software/CPM/Acorn/HardDrive is a ROM
image that redirects normal disk access to an image file that can
live on any file system.

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
The most perfect world is an imperfect world as the imperfections
give people a reason to strive to change it.

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