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Date   : Mon, 16 Apr 2007 07:13:31
From   : "Jason Thacker" <jjthacker@...>
Subject: Re: Retro computing kit for free.

Sorry Peter,

All gone! (as am I, now living in the USA with not a Beeb in sight) L



From: Peter Craven [mailto:cjl_craves@...]
Sent: 13 April 2007 09:10
To: Jason Thacker
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Retro computing kit for free.


Any chance these are still available???



----- Original Message ----
From: Jason Thacker <jjthacker@...>
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Friday, 23 March, 2007 8:00:21 PM
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Retro computing kit for free.

I currently have four large boxes of retro computing equipment, everything
from Dragon 32 to Acorn Risc PC boxes, including a couple of microvitec
monitors and about 4 or 5 BBCs and Masters of various spec. There are also
Atari computers, C64, Possibly a Sinclair QL, a Spectrum 48K and a couple of
Acorn Electrons, one with the +3  3.5" floppy drive interface, as well as
cables, some software etc.

Unfortunately I am due to be emigrating in the next couple of weeks and so
am faced with a choice of giving them away or consigning them to the skip.

Couple of caveats first!

This is a job lot, you take it all or nothing! It would probably require
either a large estate car or a escort-type van to carry it all. The reason
for this is that I am extremely busy sorting out the rest of my affairs and
will not have time to sort through it and bundle it all up. Secondly, you
will have to collect, I live in south wales just outside the Brecon Beacons
national park and about 45 minutes north of Newport.

As far as I am aware all of the kit is in working condition or close to it.
(it should all power on at least). I have definitely had the Acorn Kit all
up and running, along with the C64.



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