Date : Wed, 11 Apr 2007 18:43:38
From : "Ian Wolstenholme" <BBCMailingList@...>
Subject: Re: Wanted List (was I'm back!)
Just looking through your extensive wanted list (similar to
mine in a lot of ways) and last time I checked, CJE Micros
had brand-new boxed SJ Research Econet Bridges for sale
for about ?50.
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: chris whytehead [mailto:christopher.whytehead@...]
To: julesrichardsonuk@...,
Sent: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 18:24:21 +0100
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Wanted List (was I'm back!)
I do buy on eBay and have not been disappointed yet - maybe my standards are
too low :-(
But I do have a wanted list and if anyone has any of the items below to give
to a good home or sell please let me know. If it helps I will be at
Wakefield and could collect.
> Asking here probably doesn't hurt.
> For example:
> I've got various bits of unused "common" hardware - plus will
> have goodies like an ACW, Arm Eval kit etc. freed up in the coming
months -
> that I know I don't *need* to keep.
> But, it's simply too much effort to haul it all out of storage,
> test it, clean it up, think up a price etc. and list it all somewhere in
the hope that
> someone wants it right at that moment in time. If they didn't
> want it at that moment in time, I wouldn't have the space to keep it out
> storage for very long - and hence the whole testing/cleaning cycle would
be a
> waste and I'd end up having to do it again at a later date.
> Now if someone were to ask on the list for an item that I know I
> have and will never want to keep myself, it's a lot easier for me to get
> that single item and do the whole cleaning / testing thing without it
being a
> large pain in the backside :-) (even if they were to change their mind;
it's not so
> bad when it's just a single thing)
If you have any of the items below I would be glad to receive them.
System 3 and 5 and documentation or software relating to the System
System 2, 3, or 4 Econet interface
Atom Econet card with clock
Hobbit (rebadged Atom)
Busicomputers Prophet (did it exist?)
Proton (BBC Prototype) as if any still existed!
BBC Model A, no upgrades or modifications issues 1, 3 & 4!
BBC Model B Issue 1 & 2, without modifications or upgrades
BBC Micro US version, in original condition, not modified for UK market.
Master Compact, complete boxed with Welcome disc and Welcome Guide
ABC Personal Assistant, Terminal, 100, 200, 300, 310
Briefcase Communicator, manuals software etc
Reuters Board documentation, software etc.
Acorn FileStore E01, E20, E60S
Acorn M19 (OEM'ed Olivetti PC?)
Olivetti PC128S (OEM Master Compact?)
ARM Evaluation System
A500 Second Processor (SKB 0000 022)
Any Torch system including the Torch HD, Graduate, Unicorn and XXX
BBC Master AIV remote control
Acorn FIT system and s/w.
Cumana 68008 second processor for BBC micro
CMS 6809 2nd processor
SJResearch Floppy Disc File Server
SJResearch Econet Bridge
SJResearch Nexus Router, Nexus Hub, Nexus Junior, Nexus wall sockets and
cables and leads.
SJResearch Nexus documentation
Domesday Project: The London Disc and The Countryside Disc
Acornsoft/TDI P-System
A410 if it exists (not A410/1)
RiscPC600 with 33MHz ARM610 in original condition, preferably boxed (i.e.
ACB60 or ACB61)
RiscPC X System
Acorn StrongARM RiscPC in original condition, preferably boxed (i.e. SRP15
or SRP16)
Acorn StrongARM RiscPC J233 in original condition, preferably boxed
School Server AS500/AS1000
Castle RiscPC (not Kinetic) in original condition, preferably boxed
Castle Kinetic RiscPC in original condition, preferably boxed
Microdigital Medi
Microdigital Omega
Online Media STB1
Acorn Tube interface podule (SKEA,001)
Springboard card for PC
Ecolink card for PC (ISA Econet Interface)
A305 not upgraded or modified
AKA20 Floating Point expansion card with WE32206 floating point co-processor
ARM Switcher
ARM810 CPU card
Simtec Hydra (complete and working - don't need ARM610 CPU cards)
Millipede Imago board
RISC iX 1.1x distribution discs.
RISC OS 3.8 (Developer distribution?)
Acorn ISV/Developers Newsletters 1-17 & 39-end and Developer Discs and other
items sent with Developer Newsletters.
Acorn Customer Service News/Newsletter No 10, 20, 23 to end
How does a project get to be a year late?... One day at a time.
Chris's Acorns
bbc-micro mailing list
----- Original Message -----
From: chris whytehead [mailto:christopher.whytehead@... ]
To: julesrichardsonuk@... ,
Sent: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 18:24:21 +0100
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Wanted List (was I'm back!)
I do buy on eBay and have not been disappointed yet - maybe my standards are
too low :-(
But I do have a wanted list and if anyone has any of the items below to give
to a good home or sell please let me know. If it helps I will be at
Wakefield and could collect.
> Asking here probably doesn't hurt.
> For example:
> I've got various bits of unused "common" hardware - plus will
> have goodies like an ACW, Arm Eval kit etc. freed up in the coming
months -
> that I know I don't *need* to keep.
> But, it's simply too much effort to haul it all out of storage,
> test it, clean it up, think up a price etc. and list it all somewhere in
the hope that
> someone wants it right at that moment in time. If they didn't
> want it at that moment in time, I wouldn't have the space to keep it out
> storage for very long - and hence the whole testing/cleaning cycle would
be a
> waste and I'd end up having to do it again at a later date.
> Now if someone were to ask on the list for an item that I know I
> have and will never want to keep myself, it's a lot easier for me to get
> that single item and do the whole cleaning / testing thing without it
being a
> large pain in the backside :-) (even if they were to change their mind;
it's not so
> bad when it's just a single thing)
If you have any of the items below I would be glad to receive them.
System 3 and 5 and documentation or software relating to the System
System 2, 3, or 4 Econet interface
Atom Econet card with clock
Hobbit (rebadged Atom)
Busicomputers Prophet (did it exist?)
Proton (BBC Prototype) as if any still existed!
BBC Model A, no upgrades or modifications issues 1, 3 & 4!
BBC Model B Issue 1 & 2, without modifications or upgrades
BBC Micro US version, in original condition, not modified for UK market.
Master Compact, complete boxed with Welcome disc and Welcome Guide
ABC Personal Assistant, Terminal, 100, 200, 300, 310
Briefcase Communicator, manuals software etc
Reuters Board documentation, software etc.
Acorn FileStore E01, E20, E60S
Acorn M19 (OEM'ed Olivetti PC?)
Olivetti PC128S (OEM Master Compact?)
ARM Evaluation System
A500 Second Processor (SKB 0000 022)
Any Torch system including the Torch HD, Graduate, Unicorn and XXX
BBC Master AIV remote control
Acorn FIT system and s/w.
Cumana 68008 second processor for BBC micro
CMS 6809 2nd processor
SJResearch Floppy Disc File Server
SJResearch Econet Bridge
SJResearch Nexus Router, Nexus Hub, Nexus Junior, Nexus wall sockets and
cables and leads.
SJResearch Nexus documentation
Domesday Project: The London Disc and The Countryside Disc
Acornsoft/TDI P-System
A410 if it exists (not A410/1)
RiscPC600 with 33MHz ARM610 in original condition, preferably boxed (i.e.
ACB60 or ACB61)
RiscPC X System
Acorn StrongARM RiscPC in original condition, preferably boxed (i.e. SRP15
or SRP16)
Acorn StrongARM RiscPC J233 in original condition, preferably boxed
School Server AS500/AS1000
Castle RiscPC (not Kinetic) in original condition, preferably boxed
Castle Kinetic RiscPC in original condition, preferably boxed
Microdigital Medi
Microdigital Omega
Online Media STB1
Acorn Tube interface podule (SKEA,001)
Springboard card for PC
Ecolink card for PC (ISA Econet Interface)
A305 not upgraded or modified
AKA20 Floating Point expansion card with WE32206 floating point co-processor
ARM Switcher
ARM810 CPU card
Simtec Hydra (complete and working - don't need ARM610 CPU cards)
Millipede Imago board
RISC iX 1.1x distribution discs.
RISC OS 3.8 (Developer distribution?)
Acorn ISV/Developers Newsletters 1-17 & 39-end and Developer Discs and other
items sent with Developer Newsletters.
Acorn Customer Service News/Newsletter No 10, 20, 23 to end
How does a project get to be a year late?... One day at a time.
Chris's Acorns
bbc-micro mailing list
bbc-micro mailing list