Date : Mon, 09 Apr 2007 15:10:33
From : Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...>
Subject: Re: Possibly available: SJ FDFS
Hi Jonathan,
On Sun 08 Apr, Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
> Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...> wrote:
> > I do have a MDFS with a hard disc unit. With it came two guides in 4-ring
> > binders. I have the feeling both are incomplete.
> Two? I only have one. Or do you mean two copies of the same
> manual? There should be ten chapters and about 600 pages in total.
OK - as promised in previous mail - here it comes:
I hope the information is useful for comparisons. If you think you have
omissions, contact me and I'll be happy to do some scans.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ringbinders are white. 4 rings, attached to back cover - not the back
Front cover has SJresearch at the bottom right, nothing else
Back cover is completely empty
The back (3rd/middle side :-) has
SJ at the bottom - same height as the front conver's SJresearch
and about 6,5 cm from the top:
File | bigger font (&
Server | slightly emphasized?)
Manager's | than these
Guide | lines
All page numbers are with the inclusion of empty pages at the end
of chapters, thereby - per definition - always even, as new chapters
starts on right pages only.
This one has plastic tab pages, in the order 6 to 10, followed by 1 - 5.
(Probably for the convenience of previous owner I guess?)
Next summary uses the normal ascending order.
It starts with an extra page about (extra?) released software.
(Beebtel & Freeware)
General : More simple compared to the 2nd ringbinder. It looks like
layout it is printed on a good type writer or good daisywhweel
There's both single and double line underlining as well
as emphasizing
Chap Pages
-ter nums & Issue Title description
2 Release Software
* 6 <title page & contents>
1 4 12-5-86 An introduction to the SJ Research File Server
2 18 12-5-86 The System Manager's Basic Guide
3 40 12-5-86 File Server System Manager's Reference Guide
4 12 2-5-85 Econet Error Messages
5 20 25-4-86 Basic Introduction to the Econet (R) for a User
6 104 2-5-86 Econet Client Commands
7 12 17-7-86 An Application Note for Econet Programming on
the BBC Microcomputer
# 8 2 17-7-85 Econet (R) Machine Code Reference Section
9 <empty>
10 <empty>
220 pages in total
=# No contents, except for a remark it is in preparation, and
will be sent to you in due course.
Contents chapter says that chapters 8, 9 and 10 are not released.
* Contents listing starts on the second page.
Page 1 looks like a title page for the whole document. Its
header describes the starting M of MDFS as Modular:
SJ Research
Modular Disc File Server Manager's Manual
Release 0.23 dated 12-5-86
This one has manually written on it: No. 3 Sept 1989
which doesn't make sense to me.
General : Looks like it is type set, and more advanced (and clearer)
layout than first ringbinder
Chap Pages
-ter nums & Issue Title description
4 Contents
1 2 29 Apr 1987 Introduction to the SJ Research File Server
2 22 14 Mar 1987 Introduction to File Server Facilities
3 112 14 Mar 1987 Utility Program Reference
4 24 15 Apr 1987 An introduction to System Management
5 8 16 Apr 1987 Setting up users
6 14 16 Apr 1987 Seting up printers
7 16 16 Apr 1987 Utility Mode
8 10 16 Apr 1987 Use of the MDFS Tape Drive
9 8 16 Feb 1987 Dealing with problems
* 10 78 29 Apr 1987 Machine Code Reference Section
BBC MOS Interface
A 8 21 Apr 1987 Error Messages Given by BBC Microcomputers
B 10 21 Apr 1987 System errors
C 4 21 Apr 1987 Installing a File Server
320 pages in total
* These are actually A5 pages, printed side by side in landscape. Page
nubering though is for A4. So when this would be printed as a real
A5 book, pages would be doubled to 156!
Although there is some overlap in the information, there are quite some
gaps is my impression. The extra information in binder 1 could also be
out of date, as it is not included anymore in ringbinder 2.
As an example:
The commands *DEBIT and *CREDIT are described, as well as a general overview
and explanation, but I can't find a way to actualy working with it.
which gives me the feeling I do miss some information.
There is a readme file present, giving more info and release issues. For
example the new EditPrint is changed, and some features have been moved
to other progs. I still have to investigate that though. Not sure if that
information from the readme file would be enough for me.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Johan Heuseveldt <johan@... >
aka waarland
The best place is a Riscy place
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
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