Date : Sun, 08 Apr 2007 08:54:51
From : Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...>
Subject: Re: Possibly available: SJ FDFS
Hi Jules,
On Wed 28 Mar, Jules Richardson wrote:
> Spotted on the local freecycle group (Cambridge - I'm back on this side
> of the pond again!)
> Chap called Steve Wiseman (steve@...) mentioned that he
> probably has a FDFS amongst some other stuff available in a clear-out
> (there was an A5000, couple of STBs, and a few other odds and ends too,
> but they were of less interest to us 8-bit fans :-)
> The message was posted on the 26th, but I've not seen a message yet that
> says it's all been taken by anyone. Figured someone might be interested in
> the FDFS, anyway.
What is it?
I do have a MDFS with a hard disc unit. With it came two guides in 4-ring
binders. I have the feeling both are incomplete.
A FDFS is mentioned, but still I have no idea what it is. Is it a file
server - like the MDFS, or is it something to complement the MDFS, my MDFS
perhaps?! :-)
Anyway, I'm curious. That's for sure!
Johan Heuseveldt <johan@... >
aka waarland
The best place is a Riscy place
All bicycles weigh 50 pounds. A 30 pound bicycle needs
a 20 pound lock. A 40 pound bicycle needs a 10 pound
lock. A 50 pound bicycle doesn't need a lock.
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