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Date   : Mon, 26 Mar 2007 22:09:27 +0100
From   : BBCMailingList@... (Ian Wolstenholme)
Subject: Transferring non-ADFS double density disks to PC

It's been a while since I used Xfer but as I remember, it's a utility for
transferring files loaded into RAM in a BBC machine into a PC machine via
a serial cable.  I think it's fairly filing-system-neutral, ie. it uses official
OS calls like OSFILE, OSGBPB etc. to do the loading into RAM at the
Beeb end, so in theory it ought to work with a 3rd party DFS assuming
the DFS supports all the standard OS calls.

However you would need to be in the right filing system in the first
place when running Xfer so I wonder if the problem is that you might
be trying to read a Solidisk/Watford formatted disc in a Beeb without
the Solidisk/Watford DFS.

I think Xfer sends file information and access attributes so it might
also be that a filing system which uses a more complex system of
access attributes than Acorn DFS's "L-or-not-L" attribute is confusing

Another way to do the transfer would be to use Omniflop or Omnidisk in
your PC to create an image of the disc from which you can then extract
files using one of the explorer-type utilities.  I think Omniflop supports
just about every 3rd party BBC disc format you can think of, but you
would need the same size drive in your PC as your BBC discs to be
able to do it.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Eelco Huininga [mailto:eelco@...]
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 18:46:53 +0200
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Transferring non-ADFS double density disks to PC

I've been transferring disks from my Beeb to my PC using XFER, which works 
quite perfect for single density disks and ADFS disks. Unfortunately XFER 
doesn't seem to be able to transfer non-ADFS double density disks, like the
ones formatted with the Solidisk or Watford filing systems. Does anyone have
any experience in transferring these disks to PC's?


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