Date : Wed, 14 Mar 2007 12:12:04 -0000
From : dominic@... (BRAHMS)
Subject: OT: ROM Programmer
Hello all,
As part of a homebrewing project I've knocked together a simple serial powered
ROM programmer for 29F002 1Mbit flash ROMs. Would anybody be interested
in the circuit diagram and software (for onboard PIC controller and Windows/Unix
Driver). If there was enough interest I could probaby knock up a program
to program ROMS from the Beeb too.
Anybody with any ideas where I should publicise such a circuit if I do publish
it. I don't want to spend a load of time on it for it to never be downloaded
(like my dfs utilities! - ok they are a bit crap)
I built this as I salvaged a 29F002 ROM from an old PC motherboard. I would
now like to know if anybody knows of a cheap source for a few more so I can
Y2K fix my Master and put some serious software on all my beebs.
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