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Date   : Mon, 05 Mar 2007 01:33:16 +0000
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: ANN: AsmPDP v1.07 PDP-11 Assembler

>Message-ID: <4ebdbd8172info@...>
Sprow <info@...> wrote:
> > AsmPDP is a PDP-11 assembler which will run on any platform
> One minor problem when running it on the BBC ARM CoProcessor is that it uses
> the *SETTYPE command, so fails just 2 lines from the end.
That should end:
  PROCCloseAll:ON ERROR PROCexit(errs%)
  IF out$<>"":PROCSetType(out$,&1C5)
  IF lst$<>"":PROCSetType(lst$,&FFF)
in a similar manner to HexPatch and HexDiff. A corrected version
is now on my site.
> There are 4 obvious solutions to this
>  - delete line 350/360
Then the output files won't be correctly typed.
>  - change PROCSetType to do some different checking on the value of os%
I can't check os% as the host/os does not give any information
about whether there is a *SetType command or not. Only attempting
to issue the command will tell you if it is there.
>  - use OS_File 18 instead
No 8-bit filing systems or OSes that I know of implement OsFile 18.
I could use OsFile 1, but *SetType also sets the five-byte
timestamp as well if not already present.
>  - ask me really nicely to add SETTYPE to the ARM Tube OS
I have it in the Library on the server and on the local hard drives.
> Otherwise, despite not having a PDP11, it's a great example of using BASIC
> for your own devious means
I try my best :) AsmPDP is also an example of code written using
my BBC BASIC make system and program libraries.

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
Taxation is like dairy farming. You have to extract the maximum amount of
milk with the minimum amount of moo.

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