Date : Sat, 03 Mar 2007 08:29:36 +1030
From : rafg1@... (
Subject: PC to BBC transfer and ERRATA
Hi to all and to Jonathan.
I have only just completed a copy of 13 of John's latest GoMMC
files from PC to BBC today using the DOSFS & co-pro method.
The transfer was to my external floppy B: drive, a SONY USB
MPF82E-U1, an attractive, very slim and compact 3.5 inch unit
attached to my PC with a USB 2.0 connection. Cost $80 AUD
3 years ago.
To contine from this point, one must have installed the DOSFS
ROM in an suitable BBC range of microcomputers, preferrably
fitted with an ARM7 co-pro. I formatted a 720Kb DOS 3.5 inch
diskette with DOSFS before starting the transfer this am.
Now select the directory to where John's files have been extracted
and simply drag MMCUP, or all 13 files onto PC drive B:.
Next, transfer the diskette to a suitable BBC machine
(see Sprow's webpages) and then:-
*GOS ARM7 Co-Pro command
<hard reset>
*INFO<filename> make a note of the of the
*LOAD<filename> 8000 file <length>
*DRIVE 1 Contains DFS formatted floppy
*SAVE<filename> 8000+<length> <execution> <load>
*INFO<filename2> Make a note of the lenghth
*LOAD<filename2> 8000+<length2> of the file <lenght2>
*DRIVE 1 Contains DFS floppy
8000 is an arbitrary hex address.
ERRATA In a previous email, I omitted the important step of
*MOUNT <drive>
My apologies.
Raf Giaccio