Date : Wed, 28 Feb 2007 22:49:15 -0800 (PST)
From : cjl_craves@... (Peter Craven)
Subject: File conversion (continued....)
Hello David HUNT
Apologies for late reply. I have been trying to understand how your replies
have been relating to the other conversation that is going on regards transfer
of material from a PC to BBC.
I didn't really look whether 'Cube Master' was for BBC or Master. If the
'Master' part of the title was a childish give away, then I am in trouble.
Anyway, I am using a Master computer. Unlike BBC, I don't think there is
a patched ROM for the Master to access GoMMC tape files.
I'll retry 'Cube Master'....Only got GoMMC going again after house move and
have new baby (human!!), so bit hard asking my wife can I have time off to
play my Master. So I have only had sneak goes when she is not watching :-)
David HUNT dm.hunt@... wrote:
You would have to patch the software to allow it to work with DFS/ADFS if
the program selects the tape filing system. If you patch them send the patched
files to Dave Moore @ STH and he'll update the archive with them.
Are there any specific titles that don't work? When I've got a free moment
I can have a go at patching a couple up. Are you referring to "Cube Master",
if so it runs fine on DFS...
Dr Peter Craven (MBBS Uni. of Qld)
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