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Date   : Wed, 28 Feb 2007 12:59:41 -0600
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: Torch BBC-based Unix systems

Eelco Huininga wrote:
> Jules Richardson wrote:
>> Annual plea: does anyone on this list happen to have one of Torch's UNIX 
>> systems which used the BBC for I/O, and contained a 68000 Neptune or Atlas 
>> copro and a Torch SCSI controller? In particular, does anyone happen to have 
>> the OS install media?
> Would anyone happen to have a copy of the Neptune or Atlas onboard BIOS?

Yes, but back in the UK so it'll have to wait (from me) for a few weeks. Same 
with the BBC-side ROM if that's needed. Stupidly I was a bit last-minute in 
mirroring useful data off my fileserver before leaving the UK and managed to 
leave all of my Acorn and Torch stuff behind :-(

I've got the schematics for both boards and the "memory management" (such as 
it was!) PAL equations somewhere, too. I *think* only the Atlas boards would 
run UNIX; the Neptune boards didn't have enough memory to be useful (and the 
PAL logic for the memory mapping was different anyway)



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