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Date   : Mon, 26 Feb 2007 15:44:56 +1030
From   : rafg1@... (rafg1@bigpond.net.au)
Subject: PC to BBC file transfer.

Hi to all Acorn folks,

Just a bit more detail on this topic.

If you copy the files on your PC to a 3.5" disc, then use DOSFS to copy them
to a DFS disc the only step you're missing is setting the load and execution

 As I have an ARM coprocessor the fastest way is just to load them into RAM
(this imposes a maximum filesize of just under 16Mbyte!).


*CONFIGURE INTUBE                                    [internal tube]
*CONFIGURE TUBE                                      [tube active]
<Hard reset>                                       [starts ARM copro]
                                              [quits BASIC]
Then as many of :-
 *DOS                                                [selects DOSFS]
 *INFO <filename>                                     [note file size nnnn]
 *LOAD <filename> 8000                                [load into RAM]
 *DISC                                                [selects DFS]
 *SAVE <filename> 8000 +nnnn <XXXX> <RRRR>  [save and stamp]
as required.

<filename> is the chosen file to transfer, nnnn is its length in hex,
<XXXX> is the execution address in hex, and <RRRR> is the
relocation address in hex.

The utility COPYFILES on the Master Welcome disc will also do a
similar sequence except that it operates without the coprocessor
present, though it doesn't restore the original file attributes. The program 
"SETATTR" from the Sprow webpages will do this; it can be
downloaded and CHAINed directly from DOSFS since BASIC
ignores the load and execution addresses on a file.

I find that using DOSFS with the ARM coprocessor method to be
the simplest.

Best wishes,


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