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Date   : Wed, 21 Feb 2007 21:15:07 -0000
From   : cwhill@... (Colin)
Subject: Mailing list headers (was: BBC Master 128 problem)

"Andrew Benham"  wrote <snipped>
>If you are
>incapable  of understanding that your MUA has >two .buttons ."Reply"
>and "Reply All" and which one to click, you should at this >point
>switch off your computer. It will be a cold day in hell before >user
>laziness is a good reason for standards incompliance. If >someone
>managed to subscribe to a list, they can damn well learn >how to use
>it properly.

Alas, like most other users, hitting "reply all" sends out at least two
mails. One to the list and one to the sender.
Having to fiddle around to delete the sender's name is, as another writer
suggested, a pointless waste of time and not what a computer is for.
The simple way should always be the best way. If it isn't there is something
wrong (and not with the user).
It doesn't bother me but one has to balance the use of the reply buttons and
to make the more complicated of the two ways as the norm seems, to me, a
little odd.
If there is a way to configure my inbox folder "BBC List" to send all
replies to the list only via the use of one button or the other, I would be
interested to know the details.
Not all of us know everything about our computers (although I am sure many
on the list do considering it's nature).
I notice that the "Reply all" button wanted to send this particular message
to two individuals (AB & JGH) and a CC to the list. That could result in a
lot of unwanted traffic and I had to delete the two "TO" names and move the
CC name to replace them. That's a reasonable amount of unnecessary work
The more I hear, the more sensible it sounds to have a reply directed to the
list although, as I have said, most of my replies have gone to the list and
I soon notice that my mail hasn't arrived and think "oh oh, hit the reply
again" and repost..
Colin Hill

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