Date : Wed, 21 Feb 2007 19:31:32 +0000
From : peterbilt@... (Paul J)
Subject: Any sign of 8BS?
I don't know anything about 8bs, have been waiting since last July for it
too appear again. I have been thinking about making a web site with the old
8bs content, with Chris and Joels permission of course. Have not got any
further than an idea at the moment, and doub't I will have time to get
anything up before summer. Just wondering if anyone else had a similar idea
and got a bit further down the road than me.
On 2/21/07, Ian Wolstenholme <BBCMailingList@...> wrote:
> Just wondering if there is any news on the
> revival of 8BS. I've just checked and it looks like
> the website has gone down altogether now.
> Best wishes,
> Ian
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