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Date   : Wed, 21 Feb 2007 16:40:55 -0000
From   : cwhill@... (Colin)
Subject: Mailing list headers (was: BBC Master 128 problem)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jonathan Graham Harston" <jgh@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Mailing list headers (was: BBC Master 128 problem)

> >Message-ID: <20070219214737.55139.qmail@...>
> Greg Cook <debounce@...> wrote:
> > I vote to keep the Reply-To headers as they are.  I have my reasons and
> [...]
> > Even so, conscientious posters with a compatible mailer can set the
> > Reply-To address to any value they choose (which may be their own
> > address deliberately after all.)
> We aren't talking about /posters/ setting a reply-to address, but
> the /server/. The /list/ sets the reply-to address that list
> subscribers receive.
> Somebody sending an email can set the reply-to in the email they
> send. When that gets to a mailing list, that could be used if the
> /server/ wanted to reply to them, but the server sends it own,
> new, emails out to list subscribers. When a list subscriber
> receives a list post from "Fred", they are /not/ receiving an
> email from Fred, they are receiving an email from the list server.
> I, too, maintain various enail lists and have seen the utter
> confusion and disappearance of threads when the list does not set
> reply-to to go back to the list. You get one post, and the thread
> vanishes into a private reply back to the poster.
> But the crux of the matter is that for a user to have a choice of
> who/how to reply, the server must privide a choice. If the headers
> say:
> --  From: Fred Bloggs <fred@...>
> --  Reply-To: Fred Bloggs <fred@...>
> then it doesn't matter how sophisticated the user's email client
> it. There is only one return address! And before somebody gives
> the stock answer "type in the list address manually" - NO! Why the
> hell am I using a computer if I have to do things MANUALLY?!?!?!?
> The WHOLE POINT of computers is the REMOVAL of doing things
> manually.
> -- 
> J.G.Harston - jgh@... - mdfs.net/User/JGH
> Jet Set Willy Resources - http://mdfs.net/Software/JSW
The more I read the more it makes sense. I therefore change my vote to Reply
= reply to list (as that is where 99.99% of my mails would go). I can always
type in the address for the 0.01% and "reply" is the automatic reflex
That is, of course, if it isn't too much trouble to do so.
Having to change servers etc may be a bit much to ask for such a small list.
Colin Hill

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