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Date   : Wed, 14 Feb 2007 23:52:07 -0000
From   : tim.matthews@... (Tim Matthews)
Subject: B 64k - is it a lost cause?

>> You just have to watch out for vertically-mounted parts (especially
>> capacitors) - they tend to get damaged. A safer way to do it would be

>> to use the kitchen sink and a stiff scrubbing brush. Clean the sink 
>> out well afterwards and don't use the brush for cleaning anything
food-related again!
>But isn't dishwasher powder extremely corrosive???
>I wouldn't do it more than once to any given PCB!

Or in the words of Jim Royle - "Leave it to soak til your mum gets a
chance to do it!"

But... Just out of interest, how can you tell it's tape only? From no
Eprom slots? And when / why did they make these...?
I though even Atom was disk-able...


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