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Date   : Thu, 08 Feb 2007 19:17:35 +0000
From   : philpem@... (Philip Pemberton)
Subject: B 64k - is it a lost cause?

Richard Hobbis wrote:
> I've just bought a Model B that luckily turned out to be a B 64k, but on
> opening the case I was presented with a depressing sight.
> The RF unit is covered in rust and it has spread to the surrounding area
> on the circuit board.
> http://www.minormania.com/stuff/rusty_beeb64_01.jpg
> http://www.minormania.com/stuff/rusty_beeb64_02.jpg
> I will attempt to clean it up and see if I can get it to work, but first
> things first, what's the best way to clean up a mess like this!

Pull the mainboard and PSU (and any other metallic or electrical bits that are 
removable) out of the case. Dunk the now-empty plastic case in some bleach 
(mix with water as per directions on bottle) and scrub at it for a bit. Rinse 
with water and leave to dry. That should get rid of the staining on the 
plastic (to some degree).

Best way to clean the board? A dishwasher. Pull all the socketed components 
and throw it in on a warm wash, but don't let the DW dry it. Leave it to dry 
in a warm place for a few days, replace any broken parts and power up.

Next best way? A 50% mix of isopropyl alcohol and distilled water, and use a 
toothbrush to clean the rust off. I'd desolder the modulator block and deal 
with that separately. Also note that you might not be able to get all the crap 
out from between component pins and under parts, etc. This might cause 
problems, in which case throw the thing in the dishwasher.


Phil.                         |  (\_/)  This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny
philpem@...                   | (='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
http://www.philpem.me.uk/     | (")_(") world domination.

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