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Date   : Mon, 22 Jan 2007 13:46:49 -0600
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: Narrow Escape...

Sprow wrote:
> As a general rule, the most expensive hard to find part will be damaged
> first and in a case bulging way, followed by the hard to desolder parts,
> then the fuse goes last,

"The electronics exist to protect the fuse" :-)

re. tantalum capacitors, I don't think I've ever had one short on me. Several 
have gone bang very loudly and released lots of smoke (fun on machines with 
big exhaust fans!) but I've never had one go dead short. I'm sure it 
happens... but just not always.

Looking at a photo of the board, it's 15 chips and they're all common enough 
TTL logic (there's one F-series part in there, the rest is LS). I'd suggest 
raiding some old scrap for donor chips (preferably socketed ones to save on 
the desoldering!) then get the side cutters out and remove all the 
possibly-dead chips from the Akhter board. Desolder the legs left in the PCB 
from the chip removal, clean the board up, solder the replacements in and it 
should be good to go.



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