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Date   : Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:10:45 -0000
From   : BBCMailingList@... (Ian Wolstenholme)
Subject: Narrow Escape...

Yes, only 3 weeks in and already we have the
first BeebMaster explosion/fire/disaster of the

There I was thinking it's a quiet Sunday afternoon
so why don't I get out the LV-ROM player and see
if I can do some ADFS sector reading with it 
connected to the 1MHz bus.

I got out the Akhter host adapter, applied some
power and switched on and POP!  The capacitor
went bang and the Beeb didn't sound very 
happy either!

Unfortunately I had accidentally connected the
5V on the host adapter up to a 12V supply, with
"hilarious" consequences.

Thankfully the Beeb is OK but I think the host
adapter is dead.  Yesterday the Beeb was sticking
on the "brrrrr" tone with just "Acorn MOS" displaying
but today there's no picture at all, just the tone.
It's fine without the host adapter connected but
this happens when it's attached and with or without
power applied to the host adapter.

Is it just the case of replacing the capacitor on the
host adapter or could I have blown some of the chips
as well?

Just think what might have happened if I had had
the LV-ROM connected to the host adapter at the

Best wishes,


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