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Date   : Mon, 08 Jan 2007 21:52:23 -0000
From   : BBCMailingList@... (Ian Wolstenholme)
Subject: Superform Problem

I'm not sure whether I have fixed the fault with the
Acorn Winchester or just papered over the cracks
but it certainly seems to be working.

I had a bit of a re-think about my main Econet over
the weekend.  I've been concerned about the 
Technomatic Winchester for some time and the 
hard disc in the FileStore E20 has always had disc
errors on it because I don't think I formatted it
correctly when I first got it.  I can't remember what
I did but it doesn't look like the defects have been
mapped out.

As for the Technomatic, *FREE told me that there
were 11MB used and 200MB free so something
has gone wrong somewhere!  When I verified
the drive I got 1,600 bad sectors the first time
which had reduced to "only" 94 by about the
fifth verify!

I decided the best thing was to get both of these
drives re-formatted and start again.

So the first job of the Acorn Winchester has been
to take a backup of the E20.  That went without
a hitch as far as the Winchester was concerned
but there were about 15 disc errors on the E20
and LogCopy has no capacity for dealing with
errors, so it has been a real-stop start procedure.

I copied the backup to another directory on
the Acorn Winchester which went very smoothly
with DirCopy, so it at least proves that all the
data that was written to the Acorn Winchester
can be read.

The next step is to get the E20 formatted and
then copy the Technomatic to the E20 and then
format the Technomatic and then copy the 
E20 backup back to the Technomatic and then
copy the Acorn Winchester backup of the E20
back to the E20.

Should all be done by the end of January!

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Tomlinson [mailto:mike@...]
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 18:51:38 +0000
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Superform Problem

In article <CFCD49FD368E4CDD9F1387F00A47E824.MAI@...>, Ian
Wolstenholme <BBCMailingList@...> writes

>Thanks for the reply.  I appear to have solved the
>problem now by experimenting with the interleave.

Hmm.  I think that's simply masked the real fault, rather than fixing

>It's a Rodime RO203E Winchester, which is a 30MB
>MFM disc with 640 cylinders and 6 heads according
>to 2 sources I have found.

It's certified for RLL too, so can be formatted with 17spt/MFM for a
capacity of 32MB, or 26spt/RLL for a capacity of 48MB.

spt=17 or 26

rwc= reduced write current
wpc=write precompensation

I'd be very tempted to stick this drive in your Technomatic box in a 3.5
to 5.25" adapter and use the RLL controller to format it to its optimum
capacity of 48MB.  Stick the crappy ST225 in your Acorn Winchester box.


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