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Date   : Sat, 30 Dec 2006 17:46:35 +0000
From   : beeb@... (Kris Adcock)
Subject: Kit needs good home

Hope everyone has had a good Christmas!

I've had to start being a bit more brutal when weeding my computer 
collection, as thanks to unexpected news my spare-room/office now needs 
to turn into a nursery. Bah.

So ... for starters, I have (at least) five BBC Masters and six Cub 
monitors for free to anyone who can collect from Littleover, Derby. The 
Masters are working, but each one has at least one keytop missing. I'm 
sure they'll be useful for anyone who needs some spares, or who has a 
spare Master keyboard knocking around and would like a computer to wrap 
round it. The Cubs worked when they were last tested - about a month ago.

I might have one or two non-functioning model Bs, too.

Note that none of the hardware comes with any form of warranty. It's 
free, and I hope it'll be useful to someone.

I can post the Masters to any UK address if you pay the fee - the Cubs 
are too heavy and fragile to be worth the bother. If you don't have 
transport but live within a sensible distance, I can deliver to you for 
the cost of fuel.

I also have a collection of other Acorn kit (Risc PCs, Axxxxs, 
Pocketbooks) and a 40MHz oscilloscope here (OS-9040D, if that is helpful 
to anyone), which I could probably be persuaded to part with for 
not-a-lot of money. If you're coming and bringing a van, you might as 
well have a look.

Contact me privately for any other info.

All the best,


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