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Date   : Thu, 21 Dec 2006 00:45:43 -0000
From   : dm.hunt@... (David Hunt)
Subject: teletext - was: Curse of the long TUBE cable

> >Sounds like a nice hairy project for someone! A box that modulates a 
> >Teletext signal from a embedded PIC/FPGA/CPU board etc.
> [snip]
> >I'd pay ?50 for one of these, I could host the site and 
> write the data 
> >scavenging software if someone comes up with the hardware. Worth a 
> >Google around to see if someone's already done it, though.
> A google for "teletext generator" brought this up on #1 slot:
> http://www.fab-online.com/eng/teletext/basic/dg.htm
> "FAB Teletext Data Generator is used for transmission of 
> teletext and teletext subtitles.
> FAB Teletext Data Generator is delivered as a 19? 
> 1U unit with analogue & SDI video in/out BNC connectors for 
> broadcast quality teletext insertion. A powerful 
> client/server database is included and can be accessed from 
> Teletext Editing terminals via TCP/IP and modem/ISDN"
> I suspect it costs a tad more than ?50 though ...
> A Long time ago, back when the beeb was still in good use, I 
> did try writing a program to actually generate teletext on 
> the beeb itself.  Just adjusted the screen up so the top 
> couple of lines were in the right area, and poked appropriate 
> data to them.  Unfortunately the only teletext tv I had 
> access to was at the other end of the flat, so, even with an 
> extra long cable, it was a  bit of a pain testing it.  I gave 
> up quite quickly.

I found this http://lea.hamradio.si/~s51kq/TTX.HTM which looks interesting.
The only problem is the board and software aren't ready, that was dated
August 2004. 

A complete unit sells for over 1200 Euro, tantalizingly, there are PCB
layouts and FPGA code for some of the projects on the site, except this one!

I doubt if it could be made for ?50 though, even though I have quite a few
of the ICs, e.g. sync separator, video amplifier, Xilinx FPGA and a bunch of
LCD modules.

Dave ;)

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