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Date   : Mon, 18 Dec 2006 13:37:53 +0000
From   : navalenigma@... (Steve O'Leary)
Subject: Does anybody here own an Oric

>From: Steve.Lancaster@...
>To: bbc-micro@...
>Subject: [BBC-Micro] Does anybody here own an Oric
>Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 12:29:47 +0000
>Hello all
>As well as my Master 128 I have some other old computers in my collection,
>including a Dragon 32 and an Oric-1.
>The Oric was, in fact, my first ever computer back in 1983.
>I have seen some utilities on the Oric websites where cassette images can
>be turned into WAV images. I have done this with some tape images but I
>cannot get them to load on the Oric.
>I have a laptop and the only way I know of is to connect the cassette lead
>(I have a Dragon 32 cassette lead (a 5 pin DIN lead and three connector
>jacks on the other end) from the headphone socket to the 7 pin DIN
>connector on the Oric.
>I understand that the BBC cassette lead might be compatible too (but I
>don't have one)
>Has anybody else tried a similar experiment to this (i.e. loading WAV
>files directly to the computer) and what hints might there be to get the
>thing to work?
>Best wishes

Hi Steve,

I have an Oric-1 that hasn't seen the light of day for many years  but I can 
get it out and give it a try for you. I should have the leads I used to use 
somewhere, which were the Oric Din to 3.5mm mono jack plugs. If I can't find 
them (i.e. if there not in the Oric-1 box but stored elsewhere) I'll try the 
Beeb leads as I have a din to jack plug lead for that.

Can you give me the site addresses to get the software and wav converter 

Hopefully my Oric will power up. If I remember though they were notorious 
for having to have volume/tone/azimuth set just right. Perhaps the output 
from the laptop just isn't quite right. What sort of settings are you using 
when playing the file ? They might need some serious tweaking.

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