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Date   : Sun, 10 Dec 2006 18:58:12 +0000
From   : mike@... (Mike Tomlinson)
Subject: Microvitec CUB 895 monitor?

In article <457BE4FA.5050505@...>, Alex Taylor
<astravan@...> writes

>Ah! It's 1441-MS4.

Ok, that's the very high res tube (it has a greenish tinge - more
noticeable if you sit it next to a standard res one.)

Yes, the picture on those is absolutely gorgeous.  I had one in for
repair which had had a major failure of the PSU.  This had caused the
capacitors on the secondary side of the PSU to explode and damage the
scan coils on the tube (the caps sat directly under the scan coils).
The monitor was under warranty, so Microvitec replaced it for the
customer and told us to dispose of the wrecked one.  I didn't want to
toss the tube, so fitted the scan coils from another (dead) tube and got
the hi-res one working to take home. :-)

> What's the correlation between the '895' number on 
>the front and the model number on the back?

Pass.  I don't think there is actually any.

>I forgot to say what colour/shape it is too, which was one of the main 
>points of what I was saying :-) It's a beige metal square one,

The "MS" in the model number stands for, iirc, "metal standard".

The 1431-MS is the bog-standard low-res one (0.32dp IIRC), and this was
by far the biggest seller.

The 1451-MS had the higher-resolution tube.  If you place one of those
next to a standard res tube model, you'll see the phosphor is a darker
grey. 0.29dp IIRC. Very nice when used with a Beeb.

The 1441-MS had the very high res tube, and as mentioned above, the
phosphor appears green when placed next to standard tube.  Think this is
0.25dp. Overkill for a BBC.


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