Date : Mon, 27 Nov 2006 15:11:28 -0000
From : dominic@... (BRAHMS)
Subject: More sideways RAM questions
(Hopefully less daft)....
Even setting ?&F4 and ?&FE30 will not load stuff into sidways RAM on my Beebs,
instead I have to poke accross with some assembler I've written. Unfortunately
the fastest I can get this to work is about 15 seconds (instead of *LOAD
being about 1!).
I'm starting to suspect its because these machines use Watford DDFS?
I'd like to know:
1) Why does *LOAD not work (it seems to on other machines, I remember thats
how I used to load my ROMS at school!)
2) 8*2kOSGBPB seems to be about as slow as doing 16k*OSBGET - is this right?
3) Still no identification on the actual type of RAM.
4) The RAM shows up at slots 14, 12, 6, 2 - are these slots likely to be
the same RAM duplicated, so far I've not managed to load 2 ROMs at once but
it could be my dodgy loader!
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