Date : Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:02:35 +0000
From : navalenigma@... (Steve O'Leary)
Subject: DFS on 3.5inch - Is this supposed to work?
> From: jason.watton@...
Let me add to your list these (off the top of my head) so that if you're
> offered some you can try them:> > (1) Dell Latitude C800 (and any CXXX
laptop), with modular 3.5" floppy (year > 2000+)> (2) Dell Optiplex GXXX
range (any - no fails yet - Windows NT4 era)> (3) HP Pavilion (post-2004)
- as you know!> (4) P57SAX, P5ST-A, P571AA motherboards (Windows 95 era)
I have a Dell Optiplex GX110 sitting on my spare desk doing nothing in particular.
I wrote some ADFS disks using OmniFlop with it yesterday for testing a Plus
3 I have
and it did those OK, but haven't tested on the plus 3 yet.
I haven't been following this thread very closely, what would you need me
to do for
the tests ? Would it just be a case of writing a DFS disk to a 3.5" floppy using
OmniFlop and testing on my Plus 3 - obviously with a DFS installed in my
Plus 1 etc. ?
If so would any DFS work with the Plus 3 (i.e. see the hardware), the only
DFS I've
got is the one supplied with my AP4 but I reckon that may only want to talk
to that
But I could still do the disk and post on to someone for testing perhaps
if I cannot
do it at home.
Apologies if I've got the wrong end of the stick here, please ignore if I'm
rubbish !
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