Date : Thu, 31 Aug 2006 12:23:28
From : John Kortink <kortink@...>
Subject: Re: *INFO
On Wed, 30 Aug 2006 22:42:02 +0100, Andrew Benham wrote:
>This all started with a comment regarding my patched Watford DDFS
>ROMS for the Master, so I've put them on the web:
>The second version solves the *INFO problem by renaming it to *INFM
I don't think you've understood the relevance of the 'O'
command prefix I mentioned earlier. I'll be more verbose.
A lot of BBC ROMs (filing system, utilities, otherwise) support
a star-command prefix character. If there's a clash between star
commands in said ROM and other ROMs, the prefix character (which
is, or rather is intended to be, unique per ROM) may be used to
disambiguate the command.
Watford DFS's star-command prefix character is an 'O' (see
manual !). I.e. if there is a clash between, in this case,
Master MOS *Info and Watford DFS *Info (the MOS will claim
it because it is offered to it first), using *OInfo instead
will ensure Watford DFS executes (the implied) *Info, since
the MOS will pass on *OInfo.
I.e. there is absolutely no need to arbitrarily rename star-
commands in this case.
John Kortink
Email : kortink@...
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