Date : Tue, 29 Aug 2006 10:21:44
From : "Wright, Chris" <Chris.Wright@...>
Subject: Re: writing and reading on 3.5 floppy
In the end, got it working by buying a PC floppy lead from maplin for a
few quid, uncrimped the end edge connector(s), un-twisted the twist,
recrimped, set the 5.25 drive to drive 0 via jumpers and removed the
resistor pack. Then plugged in the 3.5 drive on the other connector.
Though strangely this only worked for the Panasonic floppy and not the
Teac one ?!? No visible external jumpers on the 3.5 drives. Maybe I have
to partially dismantle to get to these ?!?
-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf
Of Jonathan Graham Harston
Sent: 28 August 2006 01:06
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Re: writing and reading on 3.5 floppy
>Message-ID: <44EED9FE.5040205@...>
Mike Howard <aixguru@...> wrote:
> Wright, Chris wrote:
> > the drive number but the 3.5" drive doesn't. The PC lead that I have
> > the 3.5" drive has a twist in it for a couple of wires. Is this part
> > the drive selection (when connected to a PC) ?
> I'm no expert on the workings of floppys & drive selection. I believe
> though, that the twist in a PC cable forces the drive to drive 0
See thread on here last October subject "Floppy pinouts and
twists", specifically a post from Pete Turnbull on 25-Oct-2005.
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
BBC BASIC for the Sinclair Spectrum -