Date : Wed, 23 Aug 2006 10:10:04 +0100
From : "Paul J" <peterbilt@...>
Subject: Re: writing and reading on 3.5 floppy
In my experience I could not get a 3.5 drive to work on a model B with the
*fx commands alone. More specifically on a model B with an 8271 controller;
had no problems on a model B with 1770 controller.
Without the 1.21 rom, I could do a *CAT to display directory, but attempting
to load a file would result in disk error just after the heads seeked to the
position on the floppy. Not sure what the exact details are of the 1.21 fix,
but it solved this problem.
I am using a Sony MPF920E pc drive, took me a while to sort out what was
going on, but have never looked back since. Really handy using omniflop on
pc to transfer disks and data between my pc and model B.