Date : Fri, 11 Aug 2006 14:56:40
From : "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
Subject: Re: Cumana 68000 Second Processor
> >Did anyone on the list win that BBC Model B on E-Bay with
> the internal
> >Cumana 68000 second processor?
> >
> >Remember that I have that mysterious Winchester disc and controller
> >with a luggage label on the disc marked "OS 9/ 68008 BBC Boot Hard
> >disc". It looks like somebody has now got the missing bits
> I need to
> >connect it to!
> Here's a thought : email him through Ebay.
I know who that is, he lives down the road from me. He used to be a lecturer
at Clare, Cambridge. He has a MASSIVE collection of Acorn stuff. I mean, the
house is packed to bursting point with it all. He's a charming gent and
seems to buy pretty much only from eBay. Under eBay rules, I am not supposed
to give out his name and address, but John's right, contact him through eBay
and I'm sure he'll be happy to help.
Dave ;)