Date : Wed, 02 Aug 2006 20:49:48
From : Richard Kilpatrick <oldcomputers@...>
Subject: Re: Hybrid Music - determined attempt!
On 2 Aug 2006, at 16:52, gARetH baBB wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Richard Kilpatrick wrote:
>> I've seen reports of that; launched in 1988 (how long after the
>> Electron was
>> pretty obsolete?!) and there appeared to be some glitches, but the
>> article I
> How dare you suggest the Electron was ever obsolete !
Sorry, I mean "established". Or perhaps "familiar". ;)
>> found suggested that it did work tolerably.
> Probably a speed problem, AFAICR it tried to do graphics stuff to
> "emulate" the mode 7 display a bit - though admittedly this could only
> have gone as far as some user defined characters.
The article mentioned an attempt to work around Mode 7 which resulted
in lines on the display, and the need for some keys to be mapped
>> Shame, I'd love to talk to him for the article. Okay, my opinion
>> of AMPLE as
> He might have calmed down, I have no idea what he does now.
Looking at the system, I think a degree of... insanity must have been
necessary to devise it all. However, if someone did an unauthorised
port of my software, I'd be pretty livid. I think - from what I read
- that the unauthorised stuff was Peartree.
>> I don't fully understand how the Hybrid works, electronically. It
>> would be
>> helpful.
> IIRC Chris Jordon wrote an article for Acorn User about it, can't
> remember
> when though and what it actually said.
I think the one I saw was in an electronics mag. it's up online
somewhere, perhaps Colin Fraser's pages.
From the newsgroup, it looks like I might have found - if not
secured - an M-1000 amp and speakers. Which I am surprisingly pleased
about if that is the case, as the resulting system will look
fantastic for photography. Especially if I can find an M-2000 MIDI
module and either photoshop the Music 500 to be a Music 3000, or find
an actual Music 3000 case/module.
I now need to track down information on the UMI (2B?) Sequencer which
was used extensively in the 80s!
Tasty Other - Because Far Too Much in Life Makes Sense
Music for download - coming soon (RIP
Platform: PowerMac G5 2.0GHz Dual, 20" LCD, Logic, Hammerfall.