Date : Wed, 02 Aug 2006 12:11:25
From : Richard Kilpatrick <oldcomputers@...>
Subject: Re: Hybrid Music - determined attempt!
On 2 Aug 2006, at 11:36, gARetH baBB wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Dave Moore wrote:
>> Here's a scan of a fairly "late period" price list:
> An Electron version was also released by ACP/Pres.
I've seen reports of that; launched in 1988 (how long after the
Electron was pretty obsolete?!) and there appeared to be some
glitches, but the article I found suggested that it did work tolerably.
> I didn't do the port, but I did show (I think) ACP a quick nasty
> port I
> had done - they got in contact with Chris Jordan, who went ape. A
> *very*
> strange bloke.
Shame, I'd love to talk to him for the article. Okay, my opinion of
AMPLE as verging on incomprehensible for the average synthesizer user
might not make him especially happy, but the technology in these
boards is interesting. I'm especially looking forward to comparing
them to the Mountain Music System for the Apple II, as they seem to
be quite similar, technology-wise.
I don't fully understand how the Hybrid works, electronically. It
would be helpful.
Tasty Other - Because Far Too Much in Life Makes Sense
Music for download - coming soon (RIP
Platform: PowerMac G5 2.0GHz Dual, 20" LCD, Logic, Hammerfall.