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Date   : Tue, 01 Aug 2006 20:32:57
From   : "Robin Commander" <robincommander@...>
Subject: Re: What came with an Atom...

Sorry, got so wrapped up in nostalgia thinking about my Atom I failed to
read your question properly and also didn't answer your original question !

There was just the unit, the manual (Atomic Theory & Practice) and a little
plastic card around 4 inches square which had error codes (and maybe ASCII
codes ?)on it. That was about it.

My Atom didn't work once I'd built it - a combination of youthful exuberance
and too much solder ;-) Soon sorted out by Acorn bless them.

I remember doing a mod where you could switch the cpu clock speed up to 2Mhz
assuming the 6502 was the A version. It flew then, but you got lots of
graphics noise on screen and iirc you couldn't use the cassette interface.


-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf Of
Jules Richardson
Sent: 01 August 2006 11:52
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] What came with an Atom...

... as standard? I don't think I've ever seen one in a box with anything
than its polystyrene packaging bits. I've certainly never seen an official
Acorn power supply - did one get included in the box as standard or was that
separate purchase from Acorn? (I've never seen an Atom that hasn't had the
regulators bypassed to run with an external 5V supply - in fact it seems
to find an Atom where the regulators/heatsink haven't been removed

Did they ship with any tapes? What about documentation? I'm assuming that
"Atomic Theory and Practice" book, technical manual, character codes sheet,
problem report sheet, and user group application all came as standard - was
there anything else?



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