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Date   : Tue, 01 Aug 2006 13:20:52
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: The Beeb BBs Project

>Message-ID: <>

Rob <robert@...> wrote:
> Can you daisy-chain econet networks with bridges and still reach a
> fileserver at the far end?  Even placing it in the middle means up to
> 63 bridges to go through...  That will introduce some lag I fear..

Back in Hong Kong I ran the following network:

                          AFE Office Network
================           Econet   Econet                        Ethernet
            net 4    net 3                         net 2
              |        |             Unix            |
              |        +-3.236------Server-----2.236-+
              |        |                             |
              |        +-3.104--Howard               +-2.213--Andy
              |        |                             |
              |        +-3.107--Jonathan Arc         +-2.216--Glyn
              |        |                             |
              |        +-3.106--Jonathan M128        +-2.224--Fai
Dah Sing-4.10-+        |                             |
Level4FS      |        +-3.110--Ken                  +-2.231--Rick
              |        |                             |
EDDS-----4.11-+        +-3.111--Stella               +-2.233--Teresa DB
              |        |                             |
Data 1---4.12-+        +-3.113--Ricky                +-2.88---Rick
Level3FS      |        |                             |
              |        +-3.115--Vino                 +-2.102--Stephen
Tx1------4.14-+        |                             |
              |        +-3.116--Riki                 +-2.103--Alex
Reuters--4.15-+        |                             |
Level4FS      |        +-3.118--Reception            +-2.125--PostScript
              |        |                             |
Tx4------4.16-+        +-3.120--Candy                +-2.126--InkJet
              +-Bridge-+                             |
              |        +-3.121--Gilbert
Tx3------4.17-+        |
              |        +-3.122--James
Tx2------4.18-+        |
              |        +-3.123--Debbie
Data 2---4.19-+        |
Level4FS      |        +-3.124--Chester
              |        |
TxServ--4.254-+        +-3.128--Teresa
Level4FS      |        |
              |        +-3.157--#157

So, Alex on 2.103 would be going through two bridges to log onto a
fileserver on network 4.

The network was physically laid out something like this:

    4--------+    +--------+
      SERVER |    |        |     3
    +--------+    |        3     |
    |  ROOM       |              |
    +--------+    |              |
2            |    |              |
|            |    |              |
|            |    |              |
|            +-BR-+         +----+
|                 |         |
+----------+      |         +---------+
           +-UNIX-+                   |
2          |      |                   |
|          |      |       +-+         |
+----------+   Me-+       | |         |
                  |       | |         |
                  +-------+ +---------+

My home network is much more modest:

                           |                      |
                           +- - - -Garden         |
                           |                      |
+--------------+           +-Master128--Spectrum  |
|              |           |                      |
+-Compact      +-BBC       +-A5000                +-
|              |           |                      |
+-Master128    +-          +-Torch                +-
|              |           |                      |
+-A4000        |           +-MDFS
|              +-----------+

There's provision for an A4000 that I have which has both econet
and ethernet ports. Then, "my" network will encompass the entire
world!   Bruhahahahah!

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
United Kingdom Tercentenary : 1707-2007 : http://yr300.org.uk

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