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Date   : Wed, 26 Jul 2006 09:38:36 +0100 (BST)
From   : Steve Fewell <kranser@...>
Subject: Advanced BASIC and copros

While we're talking about copros, and how programs run
on them, I've got a question regarding Advanced BASIC.

Advanced BASIC loads HIBASIC at B800 (on the copro)
and patches part of itself over the top of the HIBASIC
ROM (starting at A800 with a dummy ABASIC ROM header),
so we have a combined ROM (or should I call that RAM?)
at A800 - F7FF.

The patched ROM makes use of a new OSWORD call (&B2)
that is located in the Service section of the original
Advanced BASIC ROM (this service is not patched in to
the combined RAM copy of the ROM).

ABASIC ROM has a tube relocation address of &A800.

My question is, what happens when the new OSWORD call
is made from the patched ROM (which does happen)? Will
the original ROM be loaded accross the Tube and
overwrite the new patched ROM?


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