Date : Tue, 25 Jul 2006 10:09:15
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: 6502 copros again
Steve Fewell wrote:
> But on a co-processor, the value is as follows:
> A% = &82 : P.~USR(&FFF4)
> 33000082
> Is this what you get?
Yep! :)
So it's looking healthy then - it's just that the Watford diags must be a bit
odd (or expect the machine to be in a different state - or maybe even they
only test for a Z80 copro, not a 6502).
Thanks (and to Ian too!).
Hmm, somewhere I do have HIBASIC in ROM - I might give that a try and just
make sure that it too seems to work.
Does anyone have a list of what floppies came with the copro? I should
probably run off copies of those to go with this one (well, assuming it didn't
come with a bazillion disks like the Z80 copros seem to have done :)