Date : Sun, 23 Jul 2006 19:07:46
From : "Jon Welch" <jon.welch@...>
Subject: Re: DFS Explorer 1.0.1 For Mac and Linux Released
> If someone can perhaps try it out and let me
> know the results, I would appreciate it.
As no-one has been forthcoming, I managed to get a version of Linux running
on an old PC which had a proper serial port.
Running DFS Explorer nearly worked but there was a slight problem in setting
the correct baud rates plus a weird Linux CR->LF translation issue which
corrupted the transfer.
I have therefore released an updated 1.0.2 which corrects these small
problems and I can happily report that the program successfully transfers
disc images backwards and forwards with ease (to BeebEm anyway !).
If anyone is interested, you can download the updated software from :