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Date   : Wed, 19 Jul 2006 23:32:43
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: FS: Assembly Language Programming for the BBC Micro

Philip Pemberton wrote:
> Jules Richardson wrote:
>> I just listed this book on UK's ebay site, auction #190010417350 -
>> more of a test of ebay than anything (my first ebay auction, awww! ;)
> Funny how fate works.. I've got a copy of that book already, but I
> decided to have a look through the "Vintage Computing" category (just
> for grins). Found a nice looking Micro-Professor MPF-1B, complete with
> manuals, going for not very much money. Been after one of those for ages...

I've never had one of those myself - I'm not even sure if we have one at the
museum, actually, although we've got various other non-Z80 micro trainers.

> Now what I'd really like is my Jupiter Ace mainboard back - Lee Davison
> (the guy behind http://themotionstore.com/leeedavison/) currently has it
> in his possession, and seems to be ignoring every single email I've sent
> him asking for it back...

I just dropped him an email letting him know that you're looking for him.
Maybe Lee's got a spam trap that doesn't like your address for some reason,
that or his replies aren't getting to you!

> www.royalmail.com is usually pretty easy to use IME. Certainly easier
> than the USPS's website...

My only worry was that RM might be more expensive than the competition and so
frowned upon by ebayers; I don't want to put anyone off! It's a 15 mile round
trip into town to get to any other couriers though, but there's a handy post
office in the village (even though it only opens for about a nanosecond per
week :)  which makes use of RM much easier for me.

Ebay's selling form seems to have a place where you say what postage costs are
and which countries you'll ship to, but then further on has another bit of the
form where you *also* say which countries you'll ship to, which confused the
heck out of me.

> They (Royal Mail) used to have a little price-calculator / comparison
> tool on the site, but I can't find it now. Might have been pulled :(

Possibly. The RM website's completely stuffed in Firefox for Linux, but by all
accounts works in the same build of Firefox for Windows, which is pretty odd.
It's totally stuffed in Opera, too. Luckily the post office website works and
seems to list the same prices :)


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