Date : Wed, 19 Jul 2006 09:51:01
From : "Steve O'Leary" <navalenigma@...>
Subject: Re: FS: Assembly Language Programming for the BBC Micro
>From: Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
>To: bbc-micro@...
>Subject: [BBC-Micro] FS: Assembly Language Programming for the BBC Micro
>Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 22:40:14 +0000
>I just listed this book on UK's ebay site, auction #190010417350 - more of
>a test of ebay than anything (my first ebay auction, awww! ;)
>I've got a dog-eared copy of the book for reference here, so the pristine
>one's up for grabs - I can't see me needing two copies of the same thing!
>(apologies to any non-Europeans; it was enough of a patience test
>researching UK and Europe postage costs! I'll try and do better next time,
>if the whole ebay experience doesn't prove too horrible :-)
Good luck with that, the book does indeed seem to be in excellent condition.
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