Date : Tue, 18 Jul 2006 22:32:44
From : Sprow <info@...>
Subject: Re: Turning dsd. and ssd. disk images to usable DFS/ADFS
In article <DAD2515209E14E37BEE1BD3B5E5A5A4.MAI@...>,
Ian Wolstenholme <BBCMailingList@...> wrote:
> Files with .ssd or .dsd (or .img or .adf for that matter) extensions are
> BBC disc images, ie. exact sector-by-sector copies of an entire disc.
> So you can't copy them onto an already-formatted BBC and be able to
> read them, what you have to do is to write the disc image directly to the
> disc using a sector reader/editor
> like OMNIFLOP (Google will find this for you) for Windows or FDC for DOS.
> You will need to format the disc in the correct format on the BBC first
> and then use Omniflop.
I think you're overly complicating the matter. Steve already has the SSD
tools and image on a format his machine can read (via DOSFS), and all that
is missing is the instruction manual to the tools.
I'll take a look at the SSD tools (since I think it was me that pointed them
out in the first place!) to see what's needed. I expect a blank floppy and
the keyword "CHAIN" will be involved...