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Date   : Tue, 18 Jul 2006 17:56:51
From   : "Ian Wolstenholme" <BBCMailingList@...>
Subject: Re: System DOS / System fileserver?

If I remember correctly there is a Disc Converter on the BBC B
welcome disc for making System discs readable under BBC DFS, so
you might be able to either do the process in reverse on the Beeb
giving you a System-compatible formatted disc or you might be
able to throw together your own System disc formatter based on
the various 8271 BASIC formatters around (such as the JGH one)
amending it to take into account the differences between System DOS
and BBC DFS.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Jules Richardson
To:   bbc-micro@...
Sent:  Tue, 18 Jul 2006 15:51:26 +0000
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] System DOS / System fileserver?

Jules Richardson wrote:
> Has anyone got a copy of DOS or the fileserver code for the System
> machines?
> I've got a copy of Atom DOS if it comes to it (which uses the System
> FDC, so *might* work), but I'd rather have the real thing if possible.

Rats, no the Atom disk doesn't work - running FORM40 just throws a couple of
random characters into screen memory and then drops back to the prompt.

I suspect that memory locations are different between the two machines, and
either the Atom's disk formatter is getting loaded at an odd address or it's
expecting to find the FDC at a different location...

(By 'DOS disk' I mean the utilities disk that came both with the Atom Disk
Pack and the System machines, containing the disk formatter, compacter, and
file info programs - the System's 40 track DOS ROM has enough smarts in it to
do stuff like disk cataloguing)


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