Date : Tue, 18 Jul 2006 13:19:50
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Getting .SSD disk images onto a beeb...
Ian Wolstenholme wrote:
> I don't think the Xfer & cable is going to be any use, I think you have to
> write disc images directly to the disc using something like Omniflop or FDC,
> cable link is only for transferring files which can then be saved at the BBC
> end onto a formatted BBC disc.
I could have sworn I'd used it before to read a disk image from a beeb,
though. I need to set a beeb up soonish as a test machine anyway, so I'll have
a look.
> As far as I know (others will be able to say for certain), the SSD and IMG
> format is a straight sector-by-sector copy of a DFS disc from start to
> ie. beginning at track 0 sector 0 up to track 79 sector 9, and a DSD is
> the same except it has a second disc image at the end of the first as the
> "other side" of the DFS disc.
Ahh, makes life easier if that's true - I just expected it to do something
'clever' like compress blank sectors (or sectors that had all the same data).
If it's just a raw format that makes things easier.