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Date   : Tue, 18 Jul 2006 10:47:12
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Getting .SSD disk images onto a beeb...

OK, what are my options here?

I've got a beeb (obviously), a PC running Linux, a copy of xfer for Linux, and
an xfer cable.

I know both xfer and the cable work; I've used them before. I thought xfer
(v4) handled disk image transfer as well as single files, but I can't see
anywhere in the docs where it says this, let alone what image file formats it
supports at the PC end.

As I'm running Linux, I think that rules out DFS explorer; I believe that's
Windows-only and there's no Linux port available?

Omniflop is Windows-only too - although its web page hints that there are
tools for Linux (in which case I'm not aware of them - I know I can kick the
FDC chip into various modes from the shell, but AFAIK the SSD format isn't a
raw disk dump, so I still need some utility that understands the format)

To make matters worse, I have a feeling this PC - like most - won't write FM
data anyway (although it'll possibly read it OK; long time since I tested this
one) - so something that talks direct to the FDC hardware is no use, and I
really need a remote transfer util like xfer...

Worst-case, who maintains the SSD/DSD spec? If that's published somewhere I
could write something quickly to rip the individual files out of the SSD image
under Linux, then xfer them across to a formatted floppy...



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