Date : Mon, 17 Jul 2006 16:24:01
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: 6502 copro diagnostics?
Ian Wolstenholme wrote:
> All you need to do to run the memory test on the Level 2 or 3
> server is to copy the "FS" programme from the Winchester onto
> a floppy disc and then run it with any Beeb + 2nd processor. The
> file server runs in DFS (Level 2) or ADFS (Level 3) and doesn't
> bother to check for NFS or the network clock so you could run it
> on a Beeb without Econet.
Brilliant - ta! I think I've got a floppy somewhere that should have that on
(I don't think I ever managed to get around the password in the Winchester
that I have, and can't remember if the memory test was in an accessible area
of the disk (i.e. doesn't need the password) or not.
<fx: checks>
Hmm, well I've got a level 3 FS archive with the following in:
-rw-a-- 0.0 fat 5833 bx stor 30-Sep-98 00:00 AForm
-rw-a-- 0.0 fat 2195 bx stor 30-Sep-98 00:00 Backup
-rw-a-- 0.0 fat 9739 bx stor 30-Sep-98 00:00 CopyF
-rw-a-- 0.0 fat 34510 bx stor 27-Dec-98 00:00 FS3-092
-rw-a-- 0.0 fat 1190 bx stor 30-Sep-98 00:00 Verify
-rw-a-- 0.0 fat 7838 bx stor 27-Dec-98 00:00 WFSInit
-rw-a-- 0.0 fat 15053 bx stor 27-Dec-98 00:00 WFSInitFul
-rw-a-- 0.0 fat 562 bx stor 19-Oct-99 00:00 StartFS3
-rw-a-- 0.0 fat 2218 bx stor 27-Dec-98 00:00 Y2KFS3
-rw-a-- 0.0 fat 2207 bx stor 27-Dec-98 00:00 T.Y2KFS3
... presumably FS3-092 is the critter (I think these came from Pete Turnbull a
few years back)
I should be able to xfer those across to a beeb easily enough, anyway.
cheers :)