Date : Fri, 14 Jul 2006 13:57:53 +0100 (BST)
From : BBC Micro <b_b_c_m_i_c_r_o@...>
Subject: Re: Anyone read "Mastering Interpreters and Compilers" by
Cheers, Was me that posted that, I got hold of a copy
of the book since I made that earlier posting.
Also Mark Plumbley (BASIC ROM guide) taught an
introduction to VHDL design at my university as part
of Digitial Circuits course about 10 years ago.
I haven't read through MI&C in detail, I think
probably for the reason you mention about how closely
coupled to the beeb it is also, all those listings
looked like quite hard work (And you can't really
browse through the book) but worth a more in depth
The actual book is broken down into three sections
1. Interpreters (How to leaverage the OS to write your
own interpreter "Grafrite")
2. Threaded Interpretive languages
3. Compilers ( "TACTLESS" )
I did think about scanning it in as my mate has one of
those autofeed scanning machines.
--- Steve Fewell <kranser@...> wrote:
> BBC Micro Wrote:
> > First of all happy new year. Second has anyone
> read
> > this book by Bruce Smith (Dabs 1987)? Is it any
> > good?
> >
> > < snip, snip>
> I have read the Bruce Smith book on compilers and
> interpreters. It is a good read, easy to follow.
> Though the resulting compiler/interpreter that you
> produce is rather basic, the book gives you the
> basic
> techniques behind building these applications -
> though
> the techniques are simplified, and focus on the BBC
> hardware.
> An interesting read, but you would probably learn
> better more modern techniques by doing a computer
> course in Compilers or reading a technical book on
> the
> subject.
> The BASIC ROM User guide is also a good book - one
> of
> my favourites.
> Regards,
> Steve.
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