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Date   : Thu, 13 Jul 2006 09:46:13
From   : Rob <robert@...>
Subject: books and stuff available.

I have the following items to pass on to anybody interested..

Two bare 40 track drives. Cumana labels on 
front.  These came out of a powered dual cumana 
drive box i got at the same time which had 
replacement 80 track drives put in it.  Willing 
to swap the lot for a powered 80 track dual drive 
if someone wants to put them back together as it were..

A science teachers companion to the BBC 
Microcomputer. Philip Hawthorne. (Macmillan)
Structured Programming with BBC Basic. Roy Atherton. (Ellie Horwood)
Micro Knowledge - (Ladybird Computer Series). 2 off.
30 Hour Basic. Clive Prigmore. (National Extension College)
Creative Graphics on the BBC microcomputer. John Cownie. (Acornsoft)
First steps with your BBC Micro. Carolyn Hughes. (Fontana) 3 off.
Second steps with your BBC Micro. Carolyn Hughes. (Fontana/Collins)
Micro Games. Bossert+Dickinson. (Puffin) very tatty ex library.
self-instruct BASIC a practical guide. A+J Clark.  (Pitman)
Advanced Programming Techniques for the BBC 
Micro. McGreggor+Watt. (Addison-Wesey)
Practical things to do with a Microcmoputer. (Usborne Computer Books)
Introduction to Machine Code for Beginners. (Usborne Computer Books)
Programming tricks & Skills. (Usborne Computer Books)
Computer Fun - First computer library. (Usborne)
All About Computers  - First computer library. (Usborne)
Learning is Fun! 40 Educational games for the BBC Micro. Vince
Apps. (Granada)
Easy programming for the BBC Micro. Eric Deeson. (Shiva)
Using Floppy Discs with the BBC Microcomputer. Keith Davis (Cumana)
Electron advanced graphics workbook. Marcus D Bowman. (McGraw-Hill)
How do you drive a disc (Viglen) pamphlet.
The Microcomputer user's book of Tape Recording. Mike Salem. (Hilderbay)

Free to anybody who wants them - first come first 
served.  Please email me directly with your 
address and which you would like.  If postage is 
over £1 I'll ask you to pay it, I'm afraid.

These mostly came in a collection given to me 
from a freecycle member - I am not passing these 
on just so you can eBay them - ask only if you actually want them
for yourself.

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